Tuesday 10 February 2009

Time away...........

Apart from this top photo, I am not entirely happy with this set of images, I am much happier with the older posts from previous weeks. This is because they don't really reflect how I work, and what sort of images I enjoy making. However, I just wanted to show a part of my life. This set is from Spain, where I spend Christmas, Easter and the Summer. It is so tranquil out there so I tried to show this in my images. This top photo is effective as it does represent tranquility well. 

City Living.....

In these images I am aiming to show my everyday surroundings.  I am pleased with this as the angle at which it is taken changes the perspective of the image, I also slightly edited it on photoshop, to enhance the idea of changing perspectives.
As a student, keeping healthy is a hard task, the colours in this enhance detail and add interest to the image.

The interior of my halls of residence is very plain and dull. This image shows the idea that the camera does not always represent the truth. This is a dramatic exaggeration of what my halls are actually like. I like the idea that you can take an ordinary setting, and manipulate it to show a completely different scenario, whether good or bad.

Monday 2 February 2009

A new and exciting place

In this set of images, I have tried to show the excitement and the hustle and bustle of living in a busy city, that has an incredibly large student population. I have tried to create images that fit in with the atmosphere that is present within the city. It is, in my opinion, a very loud and vibrant town, with a colourful night life.........I have used Georges Rousse as my research. His images are similar in that they include colour. His images are beautifully constructed, and he has given me some ideas on how to construct mine.

This image is the same as the one below, however I have edited it more, to add detail and added interest. Similar to the image above, I have tried to represent a young and vibrant student culture. I prefer the image below, however, in my opinion, this image represents my life in Nottingham better.
I have taken this photo from an unconventional angle in an attempt to represent confusion. I have thought carefully about the angles in this photo to exaggerate  the perspective. By doing this, hopefully the idea of confusion within a new city is highlighted as a major theme. Even though I have been at Trent for a term, I still feel misplaced within the city as it is all still new to me, and it takes a while to settle in. This is hopefully shown within this image.
Looking in the past- The photo as a memory

In these sets of images, I have used Annie Leibovitz as research to help me understand how to construct an effective portrait photograph. I recently visited her exhibition at The National Portrait Gallery. In this exhibition was a powerful set of photographs that followed her life and her closest friend, Susan. Susan was diagnosed with cancer. With this in mind, the whole perception of these photos change, and you feel a powerful sense of emotion. In my images, I tried to capture my friends, who I had left behind, as I am now in Nottingham and I tried to follow the same ideas as Leibovitz. Hopefully the viewer will feel this sense of emotion in these images, I also thought carefully about the construction and set up of these images.

This image is one of my favourites as emotion is displayed greatly to me.  It reminds me of all the good memories with my friends. By pasting multiple images in one single image, a dream like state is created.  

This set of images represent friends of mine who I left at home. Going each other's separate ways is hard however, Nottingham is an exciting chance to meet a whole range of different people.